03-200011-001: Rajant Technical Service Bulletin, Remediation of Loose FE1
RF and Front Panel Ports

This guide is intended for remediation of loose RF and front panel ports on Hawk and Peregrine models. Several steps have been taken in Rajant MFG to eliminate this issue beginning with serial number 105,538.
This guide is intended for units that may exhibit this issue before the MFG changes were implemented, or ports that have become loose. The range of potentially affected serials is 80,253 to 105,537. Note that not all serials will be affected, and not all serials in the range are FE-1 Hawk or Peregrine models.
Please read this entire document before beginning any remediation of RF Ports.
Prepare with the following materials:
• An INCH LB torque wrench capable of 40 to 60 INCH LBs.
• An 18mm deep well socket, preferably a 6 point.
• A 17mm deep well socket, preferably a 6 point for early units.
• A 1 Inch deep well socket, preferably a 6 point.
• OR, square drive crow’s foot which requires additional
planning* since the extended length increases the indicated torque.
• Specifically VC-3 Thread locker which is capable of being re-torqued or checked unlike cyano-based thread locker types.
• See addendum for notes on tooling, torque, and in-situ remediation.